Henan UTERS Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.
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Member registration
Member registration agreement
Registration Agreement

Before registering, please read the following. During the registration process, clicking the 'Agree and Continue' button means that the user fully accepts all the terms under this agreement.

Article 1   Membership

 After you promise to fully agree to the terms of service and complete the registration process on the UTS website, you can become a member of this website and enjoy the services provided by UTS website for you.

Article 2: Membership

1. Members must sign a contract and pay relevant business fees to enjoy all the tax services provided by this website (other registered new enterprises can only enjoy some platform services);

2. All members are obliged to abide by these regulations and other network service agreements, regulations, procedures and practices.

Article 3: Member Information

1. In order to enable us to provide better services to members, please provide detailed and accurate personal information. If you change it, please update it in time. Members shall bear the consequences of providing false information;

2. Members are responsible for keeping their registration passwords and modifying them regularly to avoid losses. The losses caused by the negligence of the members shall be borne by the members. The user shall be legally responsible for all activities and events carried out by his user account.

Article 4: Cancellation of membership

If any member is found to have one of the following intentional acts, this website reserves the right to cancel its use of the service without any compensation;

1. It may affect all or part of the services of this website, or endanger the operation of this website;

2. Obtain membership by any fraudulent behavior;

3. Use the network service system for any illegal purpose;

Article 5: Supplementary Provisions

1. The scope of the above regulations is limited to the website www.utersfiltration.com;

2. The members of this website violate the relevant laws and regulations due to violation of the above regulations, all consequences shall be borne by themselves, and UTS website shall not bear any responsibility;

3. Within the scope of this clause, UTS website has the final interpretation right.



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